January 10, 2024

Rhythmic things

i want to write rhythmic things

hypnotic things

hot things

things that make you loosen those hips

things that make you part those lips

things that make you raise those fists

things that coat around your tongue

things that slick down your throat

sediments seeping into your bloodstream

parcels driving the flow within your veins

people staring staring staring

at us 

hearing the same thing, 

dripping the same sweat,

setting the tone.

i want to moooove you 

i want to swayyyy you

incite that feeling within you

i want to watch muscles tighten around your face

lifting your cheek

swinging those cheeks

i want to create shapes behind your lids 

i want to generate the movement of your limbs

i want to inch closer closer closer

down down down

crisscrossed knees

crisscrossed hearts 

pumping pumping pumping

to my tune

to my words

to my beats

to our beats.

maybe i can help :)

I am no life expert. In fact life throws me a lot of lemons. But I'm pretty good at making lemonade, being resilient and (I've been told) giving advice. So, if you need an outsider's perspective, I'm here! On love & relationships, on family issues, on work, on anything really. I'll give you my take and maybe (hopefully) it'll help. 100% anonymous of course.

Thank you for reaching out! I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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